This is the ALPHA version of MoodJam (designed in 2006). Visit the new version at »

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About MoodJam

What is MoodJam?

MoodJam is a visualization of your moods and other people's moods. Use MoodJam to:

  • Keep a record of your moods every hour, day, and weeks—as often as you want, for as long as you want.
  • Visualize your moods in beautiful color strips.
  • Learn about trends in your moods and colors you associate with specific moods.
  • Share your moods with friends, family, co-workers, and other people who matter to you.

MoodJam is a free service provided by Ian Li who created the site while he was a Ph.D. student in the Human Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. We promise to never give your personal information to anyone. See our privacy policy for more information.

How do I get started?

You can view the latest moods in the MoodJam front page.

To record your own moods, you'll need to register an account.

Sharing your moods

There are three ways to share your moods to others:

  1. Send your friends or family the link to your moodjam page — — in an email or an IM message.
  2. When you are logged in, click the "share" button at the top of the page. Copy and paste the HTML to your webpage.
  3. Add the My MoodJam Google Gadget in your blog or home page. By the way, the My MoodJam Google Gadget was awarded two Google Gadget Awards: the "Prettiest gadget" and the "Gadget most likely to get you a date."